New Vicar for St George’s
We are delighted that our new vicar, Revd Laura Faturoti, was licensed in a joy filled service on Tuesday 14 September.

Laura’s Message to the church
It is an absolute delight to be joining the parish of East Greenwich and the community in the district of St George’s. I am so excited to be moving back to an area that, in many ways, feels like a familiar home. My husband, Ebun, was brought up in the area, it is where we met and married, and his father still lives in the parish. When we moved away 16 years ago someone gave us a poster, which has moved to various houses with us, which reads “All roads lead to Greenwich”. It would seem that that poster was in fact prophetic! There is so much good work already going on at St George’s and in the wider parish and I am excited to get involved in this and see how we can build on it for the future.
When we left to move to Kent I was working for the probation service, which I did for nearly 17 years, a vocation that I loved as it allowed me to engage with people in the reality of life, to enable them to make positive changes and to discover their potential. That is still a passion of mine and I look forward to getting to know the church and wider community and being real about where God is working and our hopes and dreams, and to work together to achieve them as we seek to get to know God better and to serve him.
In 2016, we moved again, now with two children, to the other side of the country to enable me to train for ordination for two years at Trinity College Bristol, before moving back again (now with a third child as well!) for me to serve my curacy at Christ Church in Dartford, where we have been for three years. Ebun, Lucas (14), Ellie (12), Levi (4) and I are really excited to have joined you and are looking forward to getting to know everyone.