APCM 2024

APCM 2024

That time of year approaches again!

The APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) is the time when we look back at all God has been doing over the last year across the three churches in the parish, and we look to the next year. 

We also relook at our electoral roll – if you’d like to sign up to go on the electoral roll and be able to vote (or indeed stand for a position! ) at the APCM then grab a form from the back of church and return it to Rev Laura . 

This is also the time of year when we elect people to vital posts in church leadership. Church Wardens (2 positions), and DCC (St George’s leadership – 4 positions) are up for election this year. If you would like to know more about  these positions and what they involve then please do speak to Laura or one of the current church wardens (Helen and Ebun). 

This will be an important year as we look to deal with the immediate building issues and look to the future of what we want this community and the building to be for future generations. Please do consider standing for this positions, all of which come with the extensive support of those who have done them before. 

All the papers you need for the meeting are available on the parish website here