Groups and Discussion

At St George’s we are serious about growing our spiritual lives together and usually run additional groups at Lent and Advent (before Easter and Christmas) to learn more together.
We also have a weekly meeting imaginatively titled “Tuesdays at the Vicarage”. It takes place on…. Tuesdays, at…. the Vicarage (185 Charlton Church Lane, SE7 7AA). This is a relaxed and informal space, designed for people to come to when they can. We have a varied programme which includes studying a book together, having social time, and also taking part in sermon surgery in the style of our young people to challenge and examine what we are hearing on a Sunday.

We have a meet monthly for Make Space, a monthly gathering for anyone who would like to come along to reflect on a passage for scripture and explore different way to pray.

Other recent Groups have run for Advent and Lent and details are included here to give an idea of what we do.

The Sceptics Group is a free-wheeling discussion group exploring questions of faith, science, scripture and more.