Revd Laura Faturoti

The Revd Laura Faturoti is the Team Vicar at St George’s. She was licensed in September 2021 and is committed to team working within the parish of East Greenwich and to seeing St George’s grow in the inclusive love of God and to continue to have a positive impact and presence in the community.
Rev John Pout

The Revd John Pout is Team Rector for the parish and is committed to removing anything which puts up barriers and excludes people. He loves to help people see that the Bible is an amazing book that speaks directly into our lives today. His aim is that we continue to be have an ever increasing impact and voice within the community, so that we grow together and more and more people can come to know the love, mercy and forgiveness that Jesus offers to us all.
Judith Eastaugh

Judith was a solicitor in a previous existence, working mainly in the engineering industry. Nowadays her passions are the Parish Schools that now form part of the Federation of St Mary Magdalene and Christ Church where she is co Chair of Governors, St George’s Church and her family. Originally from Durham, Judith has lived in Westcombe Park for 27 years. She lives with her husband Colin, her daughters Alex and Beth, and her dog Daisy.
Janet Clipsham

Janet has been attending St George’s for ten years and became safeguarding officer in 2023. She was previously a practice nurse at a GP’s surgery in Dartford. Janet is married to Philip Clipsham, who works at the University of Greenwich, Greenwich Bright and Shrewd. She has two grown children, Joshua and Amy. She is committed to making sure that everything that we do as a parish is safe for everyone, especially children and vulnerable adults.
Joel Thomas

Joel is a graduate of the Royal Northern College of Music who has many years’ experience as a professional conductor and has worked with choirs and vocal ensembles across the UK and abroad. He is the Director of the Blackheath Centre for Singing, where he trains and conducts three choirs. Joel conducts the adult choir at St George’s, and is creating a youth choir which will be open to all young people in the Westcombe Park neighbourhood. Contact Joel by email.